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Q_id : 46    Audit

Auditor Responsibilities

How is ICPAK dealing with pkf over the imperial bank saga and Deloitte over chase bank false alarm?

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Country Kenya
Q_id : 45    Business Tax

Tax Amnesty on Rental Income 2014

Morning ,for the rental amnesty 2014 & 2015 Kra has stated that one should pay the principal in full. Does that mean that you cannot pay in instalment?The principal amount is substancial and cannot be paid once

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Country Kenya
Q_id : 44    Value Added Tax

Attitude of tax authority on Audits

Hi every one... for those who have experienced KRA KRA keen / aggressive on reverse VAT on imported services?

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Country Kenya
Q_id : 43    Value Added Tax

Monthly VAT Returns

How do we file monthly VAT return where input tax exceeds out put tax?

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Country Kenya
Q_id : 42    Double Taxation Agreements

Double Tax Agreement Kenya-South-Africa

Question: one of our SA client says that a DTA with SA was ratified and approved at 0 % is this really true? What i know is that DTAs give a subsidised rate but not 0 %.... Which site can i find the details? Thank you!

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Country Kenya
Q_id : 41    Value Added Tax

Claimability of VAT on Company Car

Can one claim vat on a company car that's not commercial. Eg directors car?

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Country Kenya
Q_id : 40    Business tax

Are contractors to the UN tax exempt?

What about persons or entities contracted by the UN for a specified should these guys file their returns

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Country Kenya
Q_id : 39    Payroll Tax

How do we account for Taxes for UN Employees

Employee working in UN are their salaries taxable? If not how do we account for the same.

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Country Kenya
Q_id : 38    Accounting

How to Account for Withholding Tax

How do you treat the withheld tax in the books? Assuming you are the consultant paid from TZ and 15%has been with you Dr the tax account with the amount or do you treat it as an allowable expense?

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Country Kenya
Q_id : 37    Double Taxation Agreements

Does Kenya have a DTA with any East African Country

Good evening. Do we have a double taxation treaty with Tanzania? If not, how does EAC come into play? What are the agreed WHT rates?

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Country Kenya
Q_id : 36    Business Tax

How is the first year of operation filed for taxes?

Hi a company was registered in July 2015 and it financial yr runs from Jan to we need to have an statutory audit so that we can file Tax returns by 30th June 2016. or there r special consuderation for new companies?

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Country Kenya
Q_id : 35    Capital Allowances

Allowability of Capital Cost of Residential Property

Morning, is the cost of construction of a residential rental property allowable on an individual? How is it apportioned i.e. for tax purposes?

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Country Kenya
Q_id : 34    Payroll Tax

Per-diem How is it treated?

For allownces for staff going out of kenya let say for a there a limit on how much they can spend per day? what does the law say for tax purpose?....kindly help

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Country Kenya
Q_id : 33    Company's Act 2015

Issues to be addressed: What is the minimum turnover requirement for ltd companies to qualify for statutory audit?

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Country Kenya
Q_id : 32    Personal Tax

Year End for Personal Tax or Sole Trader

Itax individual who are doing Business dont have Option of financial year end.

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Country Kenya
Q_id : 31    Value Added Tax

What is the vat treatment for EPZ registered companys.

How do we know that a given business is a valid EPZ company. Are EPZ companies exempt from VAT and in writing invoices, do we include and charge VAT or not?

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Country Kenya
Q_id : 30    Tax Offences,

Remission of Interest

So since remission of interest is silent, then it means no waiver?

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Country Kenya
Q_id : 29    Value Added Tax

Vat Rate for Exempt Bodies

we are working for a church how do we invoice them has they are exempt from vat. Do we invoice them zero rated or with vat and if with vat we are liable to pay the vat

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Country Kenya
Q_id : 28    Tax Offences

Waiver of Interest

On the TPA Act, is it true that there's no more waiver of interest application because the reduction to 1% is a fair deal to the tax payers?

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Country Kenya
Q_id : 27    Capital Allowances

Capital Allowances on Rental Property

Just wanted advice if a company is buying asset for rental income can the company get any tax benefits e g capital allowance

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Country Kenya
Q_id : 26    Tax Procedure Act 2015

Conflict Between Tax Procedure Act 2015 & Native Tax Law

Tax Procedure Act 2015 (TPA) is inconsistent with vat act 2015 but KRA says that the vat act is the mother and hence overrides the TPA

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Country Kenya
Q_id : 25    Tax Procedure Act 2015

How to Apply to be a Tax Agent in Kenya.

What is the requirement by ICPAK in regards to applying to be a tax agent? My concern is whether ICPAK will give you a good recommendation.

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Country Kenya
Q_id : 24    Business Tax

Recovery of business back taxes from employment income.

Can the tax authority recover business tax from your salary. After the business has been abandoned or closed?

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Country Kenya
Q_id : 23    Company Act 2015

Small Firms Audit Exemption

We need the requirement for small firms not to be audited reversed or at least the provision not to be activated.

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Country Kenya
Q_id : 22    Value Added Tax

Appointment of VAT Withholding Agent

I hear kpmg has queried the act on appointment of Vat withholding agents but that's it no one is keen on the other issues that became apparent in the just concluded income tax workshop

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Country Kenya
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