Kenya | |||||
What is the vat treatment for EPZ registered companys. |
id : 31  cat : Value Added Tax   | |||||
How do we know that a given business is a valid EPZ company. Are EPZ companies exempt from VAT and in writing invoices, do we include and charge VAT or not? |
Asked by : Taher Kapacee
DOQ : 2016-05-05 21:00:00 |
Answer |
Supply of goods/services to an EPZ reg. Company is ZERO rated. This means the invoice will include VAT at 0%. A business registered under Epz Act should have a reg.certificate. Companies reg. under EPZ are exempt from duties & VAT on imports. They also have a 10yrs income tax holiday. EPZ : Allowed to sell maximum 20% of production within EAC economic block. |
Answered by : Admin
DOA : 2016-05-08 |