Income Tax Act(cap 470)
Chapter 16
Minimum Tax - (SUSPENDED) (s.12(D)
- Introduced through the Finance Act no.8 of 2020.
- The rate is at 1% of turnover.Third Schedule)
- Payable in instalments based on instalment tax timelines.
Exemptions From Minimum Tax (MnT) (FA 2020)
- Where instalent taxes are higher than Minimum Tax.
- Income subject to Residential rental income Tax (RRIT).
- Income subject to Capital Gains Tax (CGT).
- Employment income (s.5 cap 470).
Additional Exemptions From Minimum Tax (MnT) (FA 2021)
- Dealing with commodities where price is under government control.
- Insurance business.
- Cummulative investments of over Kshs.10b in manufacturing
- Licenced Special Economic Zones.
- Commission based businesses.
Minimum Tax - SUSPENDED BY THE COURTS (s.12(D)
- Ruled to be unconstitutional by both the High Court and Court of
- KRA has moved to the Supreme Court.