
Income Tax Act(cap 470)


Chapter 8

Deductible Expenditure in Kenya (s.15)

The following expenditure is allowable against taxable income;

  1. Bad debts specific provisions
  2. Capital expenditure on equipment, buildings and vehicles
  3. Capital expenditure;

    • on legal costs and stamp duties (s.15.(2)(d))
    • for prevention of soil erosion (s.15(2)(c))
    • legal costs and stamp duties (s.15(2)(d))
    • scientific research s.15(2)(n))
  4. Expenditure before commencement of business (s.15(2)(e))
  5. Structural alterations to the premises necessary to maintain existing rent(s.15(2)(f))
  6. Diminution in value of any implements, utensil (s.15(2)(g))
  7. An entrance fee or annual subscription to a trade association which has made an election under section 21(2))  (s.15(2)(h))
  8. Employers contributions to retirement benefits scheme (s.15 (2))                                                                           
  9. “Reasonable” advertising expenses (s.15(2)(p))
  10. Club subscription paid by an employer(s.15(2)(v))
  11. Cash donations (s.15(2)(w))
  12. Capital expenditure, with the prior approval of the Minister, for the construction of a public school, hospitalroad or any similar kind of social infrastructure (s.15 (2))
  13. Capital expenditure incurred in the purchase or acquisition of an indefeasible right to use a fibre optic cable by a telecommunication operator –5%per annum. (s.15 (2) (y)) @2014-2025 All rights reserved
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