
OECD - Base Erosion & Profit Shifting

Chapter 13

OECD and G20 BEPS Action Plan: Changes to the International Tax System

  • The (BEPS) Project, an ambitious plan undertaken jointly by the OECD and G20 to overhaul the global international tax system, culminated with a huge report of recommendations that, if adopted, could have a significant impact on cross-border trade.

Measuring and Monitoring BEPS
Action 11
Measuring and monitoring BEPS

Develop recommendations regarding indicators of the scale and economic impact of BEPS and ensure that tools are available to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness and economic impact of the actions taken to address BEPS on an ongoing basis.

This will involve developing an economic analysis of the scale and impact of BEPS (including spillover effects across countries) and actions to address it.

The work will also involve assessing a range of existing data sources, identifying new types of data that should be collected, and developing methodologies based on both aggregate (e.g. FDI and balance of payments data) and micro-level data (e.g. from financial statements and tax returns), taking into consideration the need to respect taxpayer confidentiality and the administrative costs for tax administrations and businesses. @2014-2025 All rights reserved
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