Employment Tax in Kenya
Chapter 8
Non-Cash Tax Free Benefits in Kenya
- Passage for Non-Citizens (s.5(4)(a))
Expenditure on passages between Kenya and any place outside
Kenya borne by the employer for the benefit of
- an employee recruited or engaged outside Kenya, and;
- who is in Kenya solely for the purpose of serving the employer, and;
- is not a citizen of Kenya.
- Medical benefit (s.5(4)(b)
Medical cover (subject to a Kshs.1 million limit) for sole
proprietor and directors holding not more than 5% of a company’s shares
{whole time service director of a company)
- Pension Contribution (s.5(4)(b)
The allowable deductions shall be the lesser of :-
- actual contribution or
- 30% of salary or
- Kshs.20,000
paid by the employer as a contribution to a registered
or unregistered pension fund, provident fund or
scheme up to a maximun of 240,000/- per year.
Contributions by a non-taxable employer to
- unregistered pension scheme, or
- excess contribution to a registered scheme
shall be employment benefit chargeable to tax on the employee.
- Educational Fees (s.5(4)(d)
Educational fees paid for an employee’s dependants taxed on employer.
- Free meals (s.5(4)f)
The cost of meals served in canteens and cafeterias operated by
an employer or third party who is a registered taxpayer for
the benefit of the employees will be treated as a non taxable benefit
where the monthly cost does not exceed KShs. 4,000 per month.