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Ask a question on taxbaddy.com

In taxbaddy you can ask anything that relates to taxation and related topics, and get answers from forum members. Here's how to start asking!


  1. Sign in to taxbaddy.com.
  2. Enter your question in the "Ask a question" box.

    Your answer may already exist: there may already be an answer to your question under "Existing Similar Questions."

  3. Under "Details," add anything else you'd like to clarify your question.
    -The clearer you are, the better answers you'll get!

  4. Click Submit.
  5. Click Edit Category to select where your question fits best.
  6. Click Submit.

Choose to keep track of a question's activity. You can choose to "Follow Publicly" or "Follow Privately."

  • Add Update add additional details to your question at anytime.

  • Anonymity Go to article on asking an anonymous question. make your posted question anonymous or undo anonymous election.

  • Delete the Question remove your question before it receives its first answer.